Illustrated Zoom talk: ‘Two Angelic Salutations’
Friday 26 March 2021 at 7pm
This session throws light on two works of art in St Martin’s church which depict the Annunciation (the angel telling the Virgin Mary that she will give birth to Jesus). The art-works are a stained glass window by William Morris and a painting by Christopher Whall. Anthony Burton will provide an art-historical survey of representations of this theme from the earliest up to those at St Martin’s. Dr Geoff Brammall will explore the biblical and religious background of the art-works. The Annunciation is celebrated in the church calendar on 25 March. This talk will be on Friday 26 March 2021 at 7.00pm.
By Dr Geoff Brammall and Anthony Burton
If you would like to join in (free) please contact Ann Sayer on
and she will send out the necessary Zoom links shortly before the meeting.